vrijdag 19 februari 2010

Only times Tells

2 Years datem. Alot Of Work, Big plans, Big future, the city where fantasie becomes reality. I had many times descusions about exaclie moving to there. But i made a decision that about 2 years from now i am excalie flutin for a taxi or have some breakfast, of some of New York most populairs Hotspot there is. New York City here i come.

Thoughts of the moment,

I had some fantasie of living in Barce 0r Madrid or somewhere in Europe, but in the back of my head i always had NYC in mind somehow, like, like it calls my name every ones i a while.
When NY comes in mind only fashion comes in mind as state of work nothing else.
Like my art work in beeing a entrepreneur, creating and publishing some of it.
I always had this idea but never the courage and never the people around me to exaclie put this step. Still not exaclie, but i will find my way somehow in this 2 years to come.

Small thought big reality.

Stylist slash entrepreneur.

New York here i come.

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