woensdag 13 oktober 2010


Isn't she like the most diehard rock chick off this moment in the industry right noww :p??.i mean like, her album dope, collaboss dope, outfit and new haircut deffintly dope.. A++ on my calender.

oohyeah i eving got inspirated by the song Eminem - love the way you lie ft RI,, i played it like over and over atleast 80 times haha till i finaly got tro a little freestyle of my own.
i will post it in a few minutes or so. justed woke up soo post it in a fewwwww



1 opmerking:

  1. Isn't she like the most diehard rock chick off this momm i mean in the industry right noww :p??.i mean like, her alllb right noww,, collaboss dope, outfit and new haircut dopest .. Add her to on my calender roddest..
